Thursday, June 18


My life basically revolves around lists, and the other night I just sat down and wrote what I miss from home and what I'm going to miss from here when I leave...some thoughts (about 1/3 of which are food-related, ha):

Things I miss now... -people in sweats -being able to flush toilet paper in the toilet -carpeted floors -Pandora -voicemail -antibacterial soap -big yards -fresh food -basketball -my feather pillow -Title IX -doing my own laundry (surprise!) -people picking up dog poop -unlimited water in restaurants -being able to go running easily -driving -having a printer -eavesdropping (and understanding what's being said) -textbooks -heated buildings -baked goods -fat people -getting the newspaper -turkey -promptness -Newsweek -not being paranoid about getting robbed -early dinners -PDA rules -seatbelts -non-fruit desserts -customer service -tall boys -folders -reliable mail service -having plenty of coins -big breakfasts -a bug-less house -objective grading scale -smoking bans -June meaning summer -not being able to run out of cellphone minutes -peace and quiet -SPRECHER -clean bodies of water -garage door openers

Things I will miss... -cafe con leche -classy old women -mate -cheap beauty services -Converses everywhere -Spanish speaking children -the amount of feriados -McCafe -delivery options -markets -being legal -city life -sensationalist news -the delight of getting a moneda -"che" -the relaxed lifestyle -avenida 9 de julio (and getting across in one trip two times!!) -going to school 2 days a week -people making the sign of the cross in front of churches -protests -Gran Cunado -constant soccer on TV! -medialunas -the exchange rate -cafes -being semi "exotic" for once -Argentine mannerisms -asking for help -peoplewatching -boots -balconies -nightlife -besos -doormen -the Skype start-up noise -family culture -having a maid..sort of -ice cream flavors -kiosks -flower stands -taxis -endless kiwi and avocado -pitying tourists -my soccer team -bus rides with my iPod -satisfaction of grammar successes -chivalry (minus machismo) -my family here (even Cleo the cat...)

Also...most commonly used Argentine words/phrases: -che: like hey, you -boludo: stupid, but used endearingly -viste?: you see -la puta madre: swear about your mother -dejame de joder!: stop kidding around -como me rompe las bolas!: how he/she breaks my balls! -que se yo: I don't know -mierda: shit -la puta que te pario: another swear about your mother -entendes?: do you understand -bueno: ok, good -este: ummm -beso: kiss (like when you say bye on the phone.."un beso! chau chau!" -epa/esa!: hard to yeahhhh, that's it -obvio: obviously -chau: bye (and, weirdly, good night) -ni idea: no idea -gordo/a: fatty -como andas?: literally, how do you goes it? -come te va?: how goes it, how are you -vos: Argentine you (instead of tu) -tipo: man -digamos: filler word.."we say"

Well, I am sure I will think of many more things, but I am avoiding starting a paper and wanted to do this. This week I had my two in class/written finals, both of which went pretty well. So this weekend I just have to focus on my papers and presentations and then I'll be DONE next Thursday. Crazy.

1 comment:

  1. Title IX for SURE. Why won't your blog let me follow it?
